Leadership Program

Leadership Williams County is a special program designed and conducted by the Bryan Area Chamber of Commerce. Organized in 1990, it was created by a concern for developing future leaders of the Bryan community and Williams County.

Graduates of Leadership Williams County will contribute to the community through their service in the Chamber of Commerce, city government, and many other worthy organizations and endeavors.

As a program of the Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Williams County is designed to create an understanding of how the community works, increase leadership skills, and provide an incentive for leadership.

Register for the Leadership Williams County Program

Leadership Williams County is a nine month program – September through May- featuring nine full one day sessions and a recognition banquet. Participants are required to attend one city council meeting prior to city Government Day and one school board meeting prior to Education Day. Participants are required to attend all of the sessions
of the program including the retreat.

The Leadership Williams County program includes training in communication and leadership skills and a study of community issues on topics such as local government, crime, education, agriculture, media, responsibility, and local and area economic development.

Leadership Williams County alumni know our community because they have studied it and experienced it. They have studied our local history and they understand the structure of our government, economy, human services, and educational system. They recognize our community’s strengths and they are challenged by its weaknesses. Friendships established during the program have brought about a network of communication.

Our community has needs that must be fulfilled and challenges that must be met. This unique corps of people can play an important role in shaping our future. We can look to them for their assistance, their counsel, their expertise, and above all, their spirit.

Leadership Williams County alumni are truly one of our community’s most valuable resources. They represent our future and because they want to be involved, that future can be a bright one indeed.

The Leadership Williams County program is designed to provided the following:

  • Become aware of the community problems and potential
  • Develop leadership skills necessary to motivate and direct volunteers in community activities
  • Be recognized by existing community leaders as a potential source of help
  • Meet and develop a working relationship with other currently
    and potentially active community volunteers. 
  • Provide a continuing source of active, responsible, trained people for community needs
  • Promote a better understanding of community problems among participants and the broader community with which they come in contact
  • Allow a format in the programs for off-the-record debate on controversial topics.
  • Allow an exchange of ideas between current leaders 
The Selection Process:
Men and women are selected from a wide spectrum of the county’s population, representing business, labor, religion, government, minority groups, organizations, medical, and other professional fields, to participate in Leadership Williams County. Applicants should be able to commit a minimum of eight hours per month to participate in all activities.

The Commitment:
Those who participate in Leadership Williams County have the strongest potential for future leadership in the community and are committed to working for the progress of Bryan and Williams County.


Tuition Information:

Tuition for the nine month September through May course is $800 per participant, payable by August 31st and is non-refundable after September 15th. Each participant is responsible for a minimum 25% of the tuition. Corporate sponsorship is limited to 75% of the tuition. A limited number of partial scholarships are available to individuals who otherwise would be unable to participate. Request for scholarship assistance should be indicated on the application form. Applications are accepted through June for the following September through May program year.

Register for the Leadership Williams County Program

“I like to see people proud of the place in which they live. I like to see them live and serve in it so their place will be proud of them,” Abraham Lincoln.